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Langendorff Tax Consultancy

Complete and Compliant in Dutch International Tax Advice

Langendorff Tax Consultancy

Complete and Compliant in Dutch International Tax Advice

We go the extra mile

Contact us

Langendorff Tax Consultancy is your designated tax advisory firm for quick, compliant and accurate Dutch international tax advice. Count on us to always go the extra mile to provide you with the most favourable and compliant tax solution for your specific needs.

Our services


Corporate tax advice


Tax advice for individuals


International tax advice for expatriates

“Their international fiscal and legal research provided the insights needed to make the right critical management decisions.”

Ron Goldewijk, director/owner of UpUco, Coach a Colleague BV



International association for lawyers, accountants and tax specialists worldwide and consequential global gateway to both trustworthy advisors and valuable source of news and information. Jens Langendorff is a member of IPG’s Board of Directors.

Membership of the Southern African Netherlands Chamber of Commerce or SANEC provides access to valuable connections for private individuals and businesses with interests in Southern Africa.

Register Belasting Adviseurs

The quality ensuring RB is one of the two major professional bodies for Dutch Tax Consultants. As a member, all our activities comply with their strict quality rules and standards regarding knowledge, ethics and doing business. In this context, we receive regular training and are required to annually meet their accreditation standards. In addition, we are subject to RB’s disciplinary law system, which may be invoked by clients in case of any dispute over services rendered.

Inter Nations

A community and platform for expats and those who otherwise enjoy the international experience. Jens Langendorff regularly gives lectures and presentations to expats new in the Netherlands and those who seek to familiarize themselves with the Dutch tax system and its requirements.


All-round tailored corporate tax advice

Langendorff Tax Consultancy provides tailored national and international tax services. Both Dutch and non-Dutch companies can count on our work to be solid, complete, discreet, with a clear exit strategy and based on up-to-date knowledge of today’s complex tax rules, regulations and treaties. Backed-up by our worldwide network of experts we can solve almost any tax-related question you and your company may have.

Compliance is paramount in our work. It’s how we guard you from unnecessary financial risks, unexpected tax bills, (tax) fines and possible reputational damages without losing out of sight as to why you hired us in the first place: to ensure you will only pay the tax you’re lawfully required to… and nothing more.

Want to know more?
  • Corporate income tax returns, for both Dutch and foreign companies and branches
  • Fiscal unity tax returns
  • Advice and returns for holding, royalty and financing companies
  • VAT (cross-border) advice and returns
  • Tax treaties (MLI) advice
  • Permanent establishment/branches
  • Advice on innovative endeavours in the Netherlands, innovation rulings/patent box
  • Cross-border personnel transfer/expat pay rolling etc, cross border employment contracts


All-round tailored tax advice for individuals

It’s one of life’s certainties: we all have to pay taxes. Still, the infamous Dutch “blue envelope” causes headaches year after year. Don’t worry. Langendorff Tax Consultancy brings you clarity. With in-depth knowledge of complex tax laws and regulations we gladly address all your fiscal issues, including the preparation and filing of your tax return.

Living away from home?

Do you live in the Netherlands and have income or assets abroad? Or do you live outside the Netherlands with assets or income in the Netherlands? If so, chances are experience with international cross-border tax issues to help you comply with Dutch tax regulations and its treaties. 


Langendorff Tax Consultancy for Private Individuals services include:

  • (Cross-border) tax advice, including inheritance and gift tax issues and returns
  • Objection and litigation procedures
  • Tax compliancy audits and second opinions
  • Tax at source/withholding tax refund requests
  • Bookkeeping/company registration, business consulting
  • Fiscal advice for non-Dutch companies owned by Dutch residents
  • Dutch personal income tax returns, including 30%, expat, non-residents forms (c-forms), migration returns, double taxation avoidance
  • One-stop shop for US-citizens via our US-CPA partner
  • Application of and advice on tax treaties
  • Fiscal advice for Dutch companies owned by residents or non-residents


Minimize tax liabilities, stay compliant!

Langendorff Tax Consultancy has extensive experience in international tax advice for expatriates. We gladly help you understand and act according to your exact tax position. We tackle any practical issues regarding the taxation of your income and assets effectively. Our aim is to minimize your tax liabilities, prevent double taxation whilst ensuring total compliance with international rules, regulations and treaties.

Langendorff Tax Consultancy offers services to both Dutch expatriates abroad and foreign nationals (including US) working in the Netherlands. 


Our (ever compliant) expatriate services include Income tax returns, including:

  • 30% ruling
  • All tax returns
  • Non-residents forms (c-forms)
  • Advice on social security issues
  • Application of and advice on tax treaties worldwide (183-days rules, fiscal residency status etcetera)
  • Migration returns

US Citizens

Certainty and Compliance for US Citizens

As a US citizen, you remain liable for taxes in the U.S. even if you live, work and pay taxes elsewhere. But how to remain compliant with both US and Dutch tax laws whilst avoiding double tax? The challenges not only lie in the innate complexity of the two systems themselves, they also are very different in their approach to income, exclusions, reductions and credits. Langendorff Tax Consultancy helps to provide certainty, clarity and compliance.

One-stop-tax-return-shop for US citizens

For optimal results and minimal liabilities, we teamed up with the knowledgeable CPA’s at Jaffa Simmons PLLC in Mesa, Arizona to evaluate all aspects of your tax situation and compliance of your tax returns – in both countries if so desired. A one-stop shop for US citizens, in short! Langendorff Tax Consultancy offers US citizens who work and/or live in the Netherlands a variety of tax related services. To name a few:

make an appointment
  • US tax returns via our partners at Jaffa Simmons PLLC, CPA
  • One-stop shop filing services
  • Application of and advice on tax treaties worldwide
  • Access to a selection of trusted expert advisors within the US, the Netherlands and the rest of the world via our worldwide network IPG
  • Preparation of Dutch Income tax returns, including:
    • 30% ruling-returns
    • non-resident forms (c-forms)
    • migration returns
    • double taxation prevention